Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
God Gets Graphic
More HERE.
Catholic Church Emerges as Key Player in Legislative Battle
Man confesses to shooting Kan. abortion provider
Inside the Gunman's Mosque
Christian Billboard Denies Church/State Separation; No One Outraged?
Haggard starting new church at his Springs home
Berlin bans fast-growing neo-Nazi group
Catholic League Angered By Larry David Peeing On Jesus
Monday, November 9, 2009
Saturday, November 7, 2009
“No God” #1 trending topic on Twitter
In a classic case of irony, Christians tried to get the statement “No God, No Peace. Know God, Know Peace” to trend today on Twitter.
The result of this effort was the phrase “No God” became the #1 trending topic.
Please understand that atheists have been trying for months to get an atheist related topic to trend and this one was gifted to us.
More HERE.
showing the popular god Ganesh in unusual poses, including naked and as an
Oscar statuette.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Fla. man says Home Depot fired him over God button
Earlier this month, he began bringing a Bible to read during his lunch break at the store in the rural town of Okeechobee, about 140 miles north of Miami. That's when he says The Home Depot management told him he would have to remove the button.
Keezer refused, and he was fired on Oct. 23, he said.
More HERE.
Italy school crucifixes 'barred'
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled against the use of crucifixes in classrooms in Italy.
The Vatican said it was shocked by the ruling, calling it "wrong and myopic" to exclude the crucifix from education.
More HERE.
Democrats’ healthcare bill would pay for ‘prayer’ treatment
Why are liberal Democrats teaming up with a conservative senator for a provision that would normally be the bane of the Senate's liberal elite? Because the headquarters of the Christian Science church is in Boston.
More HERE.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
"The Only Moral Abortion is My Abortion"
More HERE.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Jordanian honor killing
"The father and his brother took the girl on Saturday to a doctor because she suffered stomach pains, and everybody was surprised to learn that she was six months pregnant," a police spokesman said.
"On their way home, the father stabbed the girl with a sword 25 times in her stomach, killing her immediately as well as her unborn baby boy."
More HERE.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Oklahoma abortion law ‘like undressing women in public’
As of November 1, doctors in Oklahoma will be compelled -- under penalty of criminal prosecution -- to post the details of each abortion they perform online. Among the details to be posted for every abortion is the patient's age, marital status and race; her financial condition; her education; and the total number of her previous pregnancies.
More HERE.
African Children Denounced As "Witches" By Christian Pastors
EKET, Nigeria — The nine-year-old boy lay on a bloodstained hospital sheet crawling with ants, staring blindly at the wall.
His family pastor had accused him of being a witch, and his father then tried to force acid down his throat as an exorcism. It spilled as he struggled, burning away his face and eyes. The emaciated boy barely had strength left to whisper the name of the church that had denounced him – Mount Zion Lighthouse.
A month later, he died.
Read more at:
Friday, October 16, 2009
Texas man faces execution after jurors consult Bible to decide fate
Amnesty International has appealed to the state to commute the sentence on Khristian Oliver, 32, who is due to die on November 5.
He was sentenced to death in 1999 for murdering a man whose home Oliver was burgling. The victim was shot in the face and beaten with his own rifle.
It later emerged that while deciding whether he should be given the death penalty, jurors consulted the Bible. Four jury members admitted that several copies had been in the jury room and that highlighted passages were passed around.
At one point, a juror reportedly read aloud from a copy, including the passage: "And if he smite him with an instrument of iron, so that he die, he is a murderer: the murderer shall surely be put to death."
More HERE.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Why GOP Leader Opposes Hate Crimes Protections for Gays
"He does not support adding sexual orientation to the list of protected classes," Smith continued.
Boehner's position, then, appears to be grounded in the notion that immutable characteristics should be protected under hate crimes laws. And while religion is an immutable characteristic, his office suggests, sexual orientation is not.
More HERE.
HUMOR: If God Had Wanted Me To Be Accepting Of Gays, He Would Have Given Me The Warmth And Compassion To Do So
I don't question God. The Lord is my Shepherd and I shall put none above Him. Which is why I know that if it were part of God's plan for me to stop viciously condemning others based solely on their sexual preference, He would have seen fit—in His infinite wisdom and all—to have given me the tiniest bit of human empathy necessary to do so.
It's a simple matter of logic, really. God made me who I am, and who I am is a cold, anti-gay zealot. Thus, I abhor gay people because God made me that way. Why is that so hard to understand?
More HERE.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Coach took team to church, baptized them
“Nobody should push their faith on anybody else,” said Michelle Ammons, whose son, Robert Coffey, said Coach Scott Mooney told him and other players that the Aug. 26 outing would include only a motivational speaker and a free steak dinner.
“He said it would bring the team together,” Robert, a sophomore, said in an interview.
More HERE.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Conservatives react after Lutherans lift gay ban
More HERE.
Charlie Crist says prayer has spared Florida from hurricanes
More HERE.
Abstain from having kids, not sex
More HERE.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Did Jesus reveal Obama as the antichrist?
According to WND, an “American Christian” identified only by his YouTube handle, ppsimmons, posted a video to YouTube explaining that a passage from the book of Luke that quotes Jesus may, in fact, be a warning that Barack Obama is Satan.
The passage, Luke 10:18, states: “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.”
As reported by David Neiwert at the Crooks and Liars blog, the video argues that, since the Hebrew words for “lightning” and “heaven” are “baraq” and “bamah,” respectively, and since Jesus spoke a language similar to Hebrew (Aramaic), Jesus’ message may have been “I beheld Satan as baraq bamah.”
More HERE.
Fears for abortion doc after US Marshals remove protection
More HERE.
Church says God will hold Pa. gunman accountable
More Church of Scientology defectors come forward
Airport chapels removing Christian symbols
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Catholic bank owned pill shares
Der Spiegel newspaper discovered the bank had invested 580,000 euros (£495,310, $826,674) in British arms company BAE Systems.
More HERE.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
...on the Ryan Commission Report
Family of Hate (Again)
More HERE.
Monday, July 27, 2009
Will Travolta leave Scientology?
According to the Daily Mail - who rounded up some interesting quotes on the matter - it appears to be a very real possibility. To say Travolta's had a rough go of it recently would be putting it very, very lightly.
More HERE.
HUMOR: Climate Change Denial 101
Week 1 Introduction -- An overview of the global warming conspiracy with vigorous classroom discussion of why facts and science have an unfair liberal bias (All six pages in text booklet), and a careful review of the NASA Global Temperature Record with correct interpretations written by our crack science faculty (Attached graph). The class will then pray the demons out of James Hansen's soul.
More HERE.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Adulterous Saudi Princess Granted British Asylum For Fears Of Death Penalty
Family planned to murder daughters, first wife
Third alleged affair tied to C Street Christian dorm
North Korea Executes Christian For Distributing Bible
Should Christian's have Unbelieving Friends?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Mark Sanford: Cheating SC Gov Says God Will Make Him Better
"(W)hile none of us has the chance to attend our own funeral, in many ways I feel like I was at my own in the past weeks, and surprisingly I am thankful for the perspective it has afforded," Sanford wrote in the opinion piece widely published online Sunday by South Carolina newspapers.
Sanford, a two-term Republican, returned from a mysterious, nearly weeklong disappearance last month to reveal a romance with a longtime friend in Argentina. In a series of Associated Press interviews, he described the woman as his "soul mate" but said he would work to repair his relationship with his wife, Jenny, the mother of their four sons.
Some lawmakers have called for Sanford to resign, and one state senator plans hearings on whether state money was used to facilitate the trysts. A criminal probe found nothing illegal.
Sanford and his wife left the state earlier this week for an undisclosed location and are expected to return Sunday evening, spokesman Joel Sawyer said.
In the opinion, Sanford vows to work with lawmakers he's long fought and cites scripture and his faith in God – just as he's done in his few public appearances since admitting the affair.
"It's in the spirit of making good from bad that I am committing to you and the larger family of South Carolinians to use this experience to both trust God in his larger work of changing me, and from my end, to work to becoming a better and more effective leader," he wrote.
More HERE.
Paralysed Kids Buried For Healing
Muslim woman in Malaysia sentenced to caning for drinking beer
Vatican launches inquiry into 'abusive' religious order
Mass 'Kiss-In' Protest At Mormon Temple Leads To Confrontation
Basiji militiaman: I raped virgins before their executions
Woman says she feared Alamo would hurt her sister
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Friday, July 17, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Gov. Perry Appoints Board of Education Chairman
Story HERE.
Inside the 'Legion of Christ'
Story HERE.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Find God, win a trip to Mecca (or Jerusalem, or Tibet)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Peter Atkins: Galileo's Finger

Saturday, April 4, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Hardline Saudi clerics urge TV ban on women, music
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia – A group of Saudi clerics urged the kingdom's new information minister on Sunday to ban women from appearing on TV or in newspapers and magazines, making clear that the country's hardline religious establishment is skeptical of a new push toward moderation. In a statement, the 35 hardline clergymen also called on Abdel Aziz Khoja, who was appointed by King Abdullah on Feb. 14, to prohibit the playing of music and music shows on television.
"We have great hope that this media reform will be accomplished by you," said the statement. "We have noticed how well-rooted perversity is in the Ministry of Information and Culture, in television, radio, press, culture clubs and the book fair."
Although it raises the pressure on the new minister, the recommendation is likely to have little effect. Khoja's appointment was part of a government shake-up by Abdullah that removed a number of hardline figures and is believed to be part of an effort to weaken the influence of conservatives in this devout desert kingdom.
"No Saudi women should appear on TV, no matter what the reason," the statement said. "No images of women should appear in Saudi newspapers and magazines."
More HERE.
George Tiller, Kansas Doctor, Acquitted In Late-Term Abortion Case
Prosecutors had alleged that Dr. George Tiller had in 2003 gotten second opinions from a doctor who was essentially an employee of his, not independent as state law requires, but a jury took only about an hour to find him not guilty of all 19 counts.
Tiller, who could have faced a year in jail for even one conviction, stared straight ahead as the verdicts were read, with one of his attorneys patting his shoulder after the decision on the final count was declared. His wife, seated across the courtroom, fought back tears and nodded. The couple declined to speak to reporters afterward.
"You would hope it would be over," said Tiller attorney Dan Monnat, "but there is a group of people who want to suppress the constitutional rights of women."
More HERE.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
A Religious War in Israel’s Army
A soldier, identified by the pseudonym Ram, is quoted as saying that in Gaza, “the rabbinate brought in a lot of booklets and articles and their message was very clear: We are the Jewish people, we came to this land by a miracle, God brought us back to this land and now we need to fight to expel the non-Jews who are interfering with our conquest of this holy land. This was the main message, and the whole sense many soldiers had in this operation was of a religious war.”
More HERE.