Sunday, August 23, 2009
Conservatives react after Lutherans lift gay ban
"This will cause an ever greater loss in members and finances. I can't believe the church I loved and served for 40 years can condone what God condemns," said the Rev. Richard Mahan, pastor at St. Timothy Lutheran Church in Charleston, W.Va. "Nowhere in Scripture does it say homosexuality and same-sex marriage is acceptable to God. Instead, it says it is immoral and perverted."
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Charlie Crist says prayer has spared Florida from hurricanes
He recently told a group of real estate agents Friday that Florida has been hurricane free thanks to prayer notes he placed on the Western Wall in Jerusalem. He said each year he has placed them there or has asked someone to place them. The notes, he said, say this: "Dear God, please protect our Florida from storms and other difficulties. Charlie."
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Abstain from having kids, not sex
While the environmental impact of children is probably the most unselfish reason against procreating, the idea that your children will disappoint you always sticks with me. My parents had few expectations for me, which was a mixed blessing. The only real expectations my parents had for me was to be Catholic and to have children. I have failed at both.
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Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Did Jesus reveal Obama as the antichrist?
According to WND, an “American Christian” identified only by his YouTube handle, ppsimmons, posted a video to YouTube explaining that a passage from the book of Luke that quotes Jesus may, in fact, be a warning that Barack Obama is Satan.
The passage, Luke 10:18, states: “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.”
As reported by David Neiwert at the Crooks and Liars blog, the video argues that, since the Hebrew words for “lightning” and “heaven” are “baraq” and “bamah,” respectively, and since Jesus spoke a language similar to Hebrew (Aramaic), Jesus’ message may have been “I beheld Satan as baraq bamah.”
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Fears for abortion doc after US Marshals remove protection
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Church says God will hold Pa. gunman accountable
More Church of Scientology defectors come forward
Airport chapels removing Christian symbols
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Catholic bank owned pill shares
Der Spiegel newspaper discovered the bank had invested 580,000 euros (£495,310, $826,674) in British arms company BAE Systems.
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