Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Attorney wants pope to testify on clergy sex abuse

AP News
May 12, 2008 22:36 EST

Pope Benedict XVI should be questioned soon about clergy sex abuse in the Catholic church because he is the most knowledgeable person on the topic and his advanced age makes future testimony unlikely, an attorney said Monday. Many similar lawsuits have named the pope, the Vatican and other high-ranking church officials as defendants but have failed.

Attorney William McMurry said Pope Benedict XVI has an unparalleled knowledge of the scope of sex abuse complaints because before becoming pope, he led Vatican offices that were directly involved with the investigation of sexual abuse by clerics.

Jeffrey Lena, the Berkeley, Calif.-based attorney for the Vatican, had little to say about the motion. "It's novel," Lena said. "It's not appropriate." Full story HERE.

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