Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Religious War in Israel’s Army

JERUSALEM — The publication late last week of eyewitness accounts by Israeli soldiers alleging acute mistreatment of Palestinian civilians in the recent Gaza fighting highlights a debate here about the rules of war. But it also exposes something else: the clash between secular liberals and religious nationalists for control over the army and society.Several of the testimonies, published by an institute that runs a premilitary course and is affiliated with the left-leaning secular kibbutz movement, showed a distinct impatience with religious soldiers, portraying them as self-appointed holy warriors.

A soldier, identified by the pseudonym Ram, is quoted as saying that in Gaza, “the rabbinate brought in a lot of booklets and articles and their message was very clear: We are the Jewish people, we came to this land by a miracle, God brought us back to this land and now we need to fight to expel the non-Jews who are interfering with our conquest of this holy land. This was the main message, and the whole sense many soldiers had in this operation was of a religious war.”

More HERE.
New England pastor houses child killer, riles town
A pastor in this quiet, picturesque New England town thought he was doing the Christian thing when he took in a convicted child killer who had served his time but had nowhere to go. But some neighbors of the Rev. David Pinckney vehemently disagree, one even threatening to burn his house down after officials could find no one else willing to take 60-year-old Raymond Guay.

Sources: US to sign UN gay rights declaration
The Obama administration will endorse a U.N. declaration calling for the worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality that then-President George W. Bush had refused to sign, The Associated Press has learned.

Steven Johnson: A Live Chat on Science, Faith, Revolution, and the Birth of America -- Join me at 2pm (EST)
A Live Chat on Science, Faith, Revolution, and the Birth of America -- Join me at 2pm (EST) - The Huffington Post

Hijab debate lifts veil on limits of Norway's tolerance
A Muslim woman's request to wear a hijab with her police uniform has sparked national controversy.

Diane Tucker: Arab Women Beginning To Crack The Glass Ceiling

AFP: World Health Assembly: Pope Benedict "wrong"

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Beheading: A Tradition

Christian salt seller hopes to shake up market

Scholar Claims Dead Sea Scrolls 'Authors' Never Existed
A scholar has rocked the world of biblical study with her claim that the Essenes, long attributed as the authors of the Dead Sea Scrolls, never existed

On Africa trip, pope says condoms won't solve AIDS
Condoms are not the answer to Africa's fight against HIV, Pope Benedict XVI said Tuesday as he began a weeklong trip to the continent. It was the pope's first explicit statement on an issue that has divided even clergy working with AIDS patients.

Is Kabul the Capital of Oklahoma?

Egypt and Pakistan Push UN Resolution on “Anti-Muslim” Speech

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

'Right-to-Die' is a new reason to live

Michael Steele: Abortion Is An "Individual Choice"

Student facing twenty years in hell - Asia, World - The Independent
Sayed Pervez Kambaksh, the student journalist sentenced to death for blasphemy in Afghanistan, has been told he will spend the next 20 years in jail after the country's highest court ruled against him – without even hearing his defence.

"Great Sex" Sermons Cause Controversy In Alabama

A Ten Rock in the Park
The Supreme Court recently unanimously denied that a religious group had a free speech right to place a monument to its "Seven Aphorisms" in a town public park near where a monument to the Ten Commandments has stood for decades.

Heckler at Dawkins' OK Lecture

Army fired 11 soldiers in Jan. as openly gay

Video: South African women fall victim to 'corrective rape'
Across South Africa a rising tide of rape and violence is being used to suppress lesbian women

Claims of abuse by Catholic clergy rise - Crime & courts-
Roman Catholic dioceses and religious orders saw a rise in molestation claims against clergy last year, according to a new report from U.S. bishops. Nearly all the 803 cases involved adults who said they had been abused as children decades ago.

Christian salt seller hopes to shake up market

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Neil deGrasse Tyson on 'Stupid Design'

PrawfsBlawg: Law profs get results! Connecticut bill tabled (for now)

75-year-old widow to be flogged - Middle East, World - The Independent
The sentencing of a widow to 40 lashes for mingling with two young men has
sparked new criticism of Saudi Arabia.

Hannity suggests Christianity compatible with torture

The coming evangelical collapse
An anti-Christian chapter in Western history is about to begin. But out of the ruins, a new vitality and integrity will rise.

Tiptoeing through TULIP
Commotion arose in February over reports that Calvinists teaching at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (SWBTS) in Fort Worth, Texas, might be in danger of losing their jobs.

Some states push back against stem cell research
A showdown is shaping up in some of the nation's most conservative states over embryonic stem cell research, as opponents draw language and tactics from the battle over abortion to counter President Barack Obama's plan to ease research restrictions.

Rick Warren's Magazine: A Publishing Leap of Faith
The Purpose Driven pastor's new publication is a test of his influence and golden touch.

VIDEO: Secret Mormon ritual on HBO

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

American Non-Religious on the Rise

In broad terms, ARIS 2008 found a consolidation and strengthening of shifts signaled in the 2001 survey. The percentage of Americans claiming no religion, which jumped from 8.2 in 1990 to 14.2 in 2001, has now increased to 15 percent. Given the estimated growth of the American adult population since the last census from 207 million to 228 million, that reflects an additional 4.7 million "Nones." Northern New England has now taken over from the Pacific Northwest as the least religious section of the country, with Vermont, at 34 percent "Nones," leading all other states by a full 9 points.

"Many people thought our 2001 finding was an anomaly," Keysar said. We now know it wasn't. The 'Nones' are the only group to have grown in every state of the Union."

More HERE.

Vatican, apologetics ministry at odds on evolution (

Chomsky: Humanity's survival 'by no means a sure thing'

Abortion loan causes Drug Court uproar

Ban on a type of prayer in school allowed to stand

NYPD lieutenant sues to get gun and badge back
NEW YORK -- A police lieutenant who once reported seeing a "demon" at police headquarters is suing to get his gun and shield back, claiming supervisors took them from him because of his religious practices.

Brain Differences Found Between Believers In God And Non-believers
Believing in God can help block anxiety and minimize stress, according to new research that shows distinct brain differences between believers and non-believers.

Vatican defends Brazil excommunication
A senior Vatican cleric has defended the excommunication of the mother and doctors of a nine-year-old girl who had an abortion in Brazil after being raped.

Police: Ill. pastor deflected gunshot with Bible

Somali Islamic Court Publicly Lashes 4 Accused Of Gang Rape

Ex-fundamentalist castigates Republicans for being a 'fifth column'

Monday, March 2, 2009