Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Michael Steele: Abortion Is An "Individual Choice"

Student facing twenty years in hell - Asia, World - The Independent
Sayed Pervez Kambaksh, the student journalist sentenced to death for blasphemy in Afghanistan, has been told he will spend the next 20 years in jail after the country's highest court ruled against him – without even hearing his defence.

"Great Sex" Sermons Cause Controversy In Alabama

A Ten Rock in the Park
The Supreme Court recently unanimously denied that a religious group had a free speech right to place a monument to its "Seven Aphorisms" in a town public park near where a monument to the Ten Commandments has stood for decades.

Heckler at Dawkins' OK Lecture

Army fired 11 soldiers in Jan. as openly gay

Video: South African women fall victim to 'corrective rape'
Across South Africa a rising tide of rape and violence is being used to suppress lesbian women

Claims of abuse by Catholic clergy rise - Crime & courts-
Roman Catholic dioceses and religious orders saw a rise in molestation claims against clergy last year, according to a new report from U.S. bishops. Nearly all the 803 cases involved adults who said they had been abused as children decades ago.

Christian salt seller hopes to shake up market

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