Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Missing from the Inaugural Dais: Rabbis and Priests
Despite his theme of inclusiveness and multiculturalism, Obama is continuing a tradition of featuring only Protestant clergy at the Inauguration

After two oaths, Obama is definitely president. Or is he?
US president's retake of the oath of office is not enough to satisfy the conspiracy theorists

Obama backs 'right to choose' on abortion anniversary

Obama Intends to Lift Family-Planning 'Gag Rule'
Obama will restore U.S. funding for family-planning groups, but chose not to act on the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade.

Vatican attacks US abortion move
Vatican officials condemn President Obama's move to restore funds to foreign family planning clinics supplying abortion services.

Vatican urges end to Amnesty aid
The Vatican urges Catholics to stop donating to Amnesty International, saying it promotes abortion.

Abortion row at Catholic hospital
A Catholic hospital is ticked off by its church bosses over referrals for abortions and contraceptives.

Marty Kaplan: The Science of 44
The Science of 44 - The Huffington Post

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