Monday, April 21, 2008

Judge dissolves 8-year-old girl's forced marriage

Wed Apr 16, 8:51 PM ET
SAN'A, Yemen - A Yemeni judge dissolved the marriage of an 8-year-old girl to a man nearly four times her age, and the girl's lawyer said Wednesday that the court also ordered the youngster removed from the control of the father who forced her into the wedding. The lawyer, Shatha Ali Nasser, said the girl is just one of thousands of underaged girls who have been forced into marriages in this poor tribal country at the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. The girl's story has drawn headlines in Yemen because she took the unusual step of seeking out a judge on her own to file for divorce. Read the full story HERE.

Kudos to this brave girl! The story mentions the Yemeni laws which allowed the marriage to happen, but it conspicuously makes no mention of the religious traditions which no doubt lay behind the law.

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