Friday, April 18, 2008

Pope Meets with Victims of Pedophile Priests

In a series of remarkable videos from CNN, Campbell Brown interviews three American victims of pedophile priests, after they were granted open visits with the Pope. At one point, Brown asks Bernie McDaid if he had "mixed feelings" about the meeting, to which McDaid says he doesn't understand the question. This is probably the most telling moment of the interview from an Atheist (or even a non-Catholic) perspective. Brown was obviously thinking, but unable to bring herself to say out loud, "Why are you still Catholic?"

The victims' stories are tragic, and they have been quite brave in speaking out, we all appreciate and support that. But we can't help wondering why they continue to regard this man as an authority figure, especially considering that Ratzinger has been instrumental in the worldwide sheltering of criminal priests. Brown herself, like the rest of the media, feeds this irrational reverence by asking questions like, "What was it like being in HIS presence?"

More to follow about the Pope (of course).

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